Wordcamp Delhi 2017

WordCamp Delhi 2017: Thanks to Everyone Who Supported Us

The glorious journey of WordCamps has been always something everyone admires. And this time Delhi had the honor to have the first WordCamp after 2009.

WordPress Delhi 2017 was an event I have always dreamed about and worked hard to make it happen. Being one of the Organizers, it was so hard to deal with the challenges.

With some glitches, small fights, and coordination, we have successfully built an aura where people were happy to attend this event.

The people who aren’t related to WordPress may be dreaming as if what’s so special about WordCamps.

Let me put some light.

WordCamps are the officially organized events by the local WordPress community to spread the informative words about WordPress.

The main idea is to make people aware what WordPress is and what’s the best way for them to explore it.

How was the Experience of this Amazing Day

As you know, it was held on August 19, 2017. But we had to prepare it before that. We had to pack all the swag bags which was done the night before the event.

Thanks to everyone from Nagpur, Kanpur, Mumbai, and all the people who were there to support us and managed to finish everything on time.

After that, on the event day, with a mesmerizing start, the rain welcomed us in the morning which brought up a fear.

But everything was so good as more and more people were coming to see the glory of this event.

There are around 28% of the websites are running on WordPress right now which is a huge number. With WordCamp Delhi 2017, we had goals in our mind.

  • To make people learn what WordPress is capable of
  • To give them a reason to use WordPress for their next project
  • Creating an environment which can spread the positive words
  • A friendly event where everyone can learn
  • Building the WordPress community

With the starting of registration, we all got so busy.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped us in maintaining everything so smoothly.

Then we focused on maintaining the talks as we had many talented and experienced speakers for WordCamp Delhi 2017.

Rahul sir started and we’re having a high time due to some late schedule. But somehow everything went great.

Special thanks to Ajit Bohra, Jayman Pandya, Prathamesh Palve, Nagesh Pai Sir, Hardeep, and all the people who helped us organize the developer’s track. It couldn’t be possible without you guys.

And how can I forget about Abhishek Deshpande who was tweeting the whole day about this? Thanks to him for being so supportive.

Thanks to Parth Pandya Sir for being so helpful with the WordCamp Delhi logo and the design concept of the website.

What Did I Feel Being A Speaker For WordCamp Delhi 2017

It was an opportunity which couldn’t be missed. I was also one of the speakers and talked about “WordPress Errors and their solutions”.

Just want to be frank, it was so frightening to be in front of so many people but somehow I managed to keep it light and started my talk.

I had the support from all of my friends who were the part of this event. Everyone was so supportive which was also the reason I could gather my breath to speak.

I tried my best to deliver something which could help every person sitting in that auditorium.

I was so surprised to see the response I received from the audience. If I am right, I was the only speaker who got so many people to ask questions to.

We had a trend to take a selfie with the audience after finishing the session.

It was an experience worth remembering.

What did Everyone do During the Lunch Time

It’s always a great feeling when people come to you with their doubts and you clear it.

I was standing in the networking area and people were coming with their problems. We all know that every WordPress user faces common errors.

Due to the lack of knowledge or misguidance, people give up on WordPress. But I wouldn’t let that happen with someone who comes to me.

I shared my experience with everyone who approached me to solve their problems.

I met my old friends and made new. And making memories is always a part of our lives. That’s what I did. It was an awesome experience how people took selfies and appreciated my talk.

What’s left to be told about WordCamp Delhi 2017

With the busy schedule in maintaining everything during the event, we finally had the closing time.

Our volunteers worked together and distributed the swag of WordCamp Delhi 2017. It was one of the most challenging parts of this event.

People were coming together and we’re trying hard to handle everyone. Due to some policies, few attendees may be sad a little bit.

But with the glorious success, everyone was so happy to receive such great talks by different speakers.

Somehow we managed to do it right and finally a breath of relief. We’re happy that everything went well and this is considered as the longest running WordCamp in the Indian history as people were sitting even after 8 PM.

Then we had to build some memories and everyone was creating a time which can make everyone smile.

We had some photo sessions and finally headed to the After Party venue.

We’re lost in the middle because Vineet’s navigation was not working. Such types of memories are really funny to think about.

Finally, we’re there and had a great time.

Thanks to Amit Sir who took a selfie worth keeping. A time worth storing on our hard drive.

After having a lovely dinner, we had few funny talks, everyone enjoyed and near the midnight, we headed to our places.

What will be the Next Stop

WordCamp Ahmedabad is coming. It’s on 6th to 8th October and if you’re ready to make some beautiful memories then this should be your next stop.

I have already booked my ticket and you should too. Visit their official website and secure your place to have a lifetime experience.

This is going to be one of the biggest WordCamps in India till now and I am sure, you will get what you’re seeking for.

See you at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2017.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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One Comment

  1. This is my first WordCamp that I attended. After attended this event I felt so unlucky because I just missed the chance to be a part of past Wordcamps.

    This is really an outstanding experience and how can I forget the one of most memorable #Selfie with you.

    From now I have decided to attend all upcoming events Ahmedabad further Nashik further Bhopal and so on. I also already booked my seat to WordCamp Ahmedabad and hoping to meet you once again. In this event, I missed a lot of things & hoping those in upcoming WordCamps.

    If you are a WordPress lover, blogger, digital marketer or anyone who loves to spread their knowledge & experience has to attend a WordCamp at least once in his/her life.



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